Which crane do you find the most impressive?

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Pipe, Pipe, and More Pipe

My last blog entry was about my completely boring and unproductive day waiting for trucks and supplies to show up on my job site. I am pretty sure that I jinxed myself. Yesterday I made more picks in one day than I have ever made in the past. I lost count just before lunch, but I would guess that I made close to 100 lifts in one day! I was called to unload a giant trailer that was loaded down with custom fitted pipe for a new refinery in Western Utah. I was running a 50 ton crane and I was able to finish the load in just under 9 hours. Although very monotonous, the job was great practice for me and I am getting better and more confident as a crane operator. Below is a picture of all the pipe that I unloaded in the 9 hours that I was working for this crew. Each pipe was its own separate lift! 

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